Cilantro and Jalapeño Dip / Salad Dressing

This Cilantro and Jalapeño Dip or dressing, is such a versatile recipe and even though it looks like an easy, ‘whats-the-big-deal’ recipe, don’t brush it off! This is one recipe that you have to take our word for and try it! The flavors of the fresh Jalapeños and Cilantro come through so beautifully and elevate the dip to a whole new level. Absolutely Just Amazing! Thanks Kristen Hueske, for sharing this awesome recipe with us!

Scroll to the bottom for video

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Makes: approximately 2 cups


Cilantro – large bunch
Jalapeños – 3, or as desired
Pickled Bottled Sliced Jalapeños – 5-6 oz with juice/liquid
Mayonnaise – 15 oz jar
Ranch Dressing Mix – 1 packet (approx 2 tablespoons)
Lime Juice – Juice of 1/2 Lime


1. Wash and roughly chop the Cilantro and transfer to a blender.
2. Wash and roughly chop Jalapeños and also, transfer to blender.
3. Add in the Pickled Jalapeños, along with Juice into the blender.
4. Grind into a smooth mixture.
5. Empty the jar or Mayonnaise into the blender.
6. Empty the Ranch Dressing Mix and Lime Juice.
7. Blend everything once again, till it’s all mixed well and an even consistency.
8. Use as a dip with Chips or vegetables or as a dressing on salads.


1. Has a great shelf life and can be stored in the fridge for about 1 month.
2. Store in a clean dry container or in a squeeze bottle.
3. It tastes excellent in a Chicken or an Egg Salad!
4. The Dip/Dressing gets spicier over time.

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#PartyFoods #BigGartheringFood
How to make a great salad dressing, easy salad dressing, easy dip, great shelf life dip and dressing, veggies and dip, spicy dip, spicy dressing, party favorite

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4 thoughts on “Cilantro and Jalapeño Dip / Salad Dressing

    1. Hi Ferhana,
      Yes, you can use greek yogurt but we suggest you consume it quickly as Yogurt does not have a shelf life as long as that of Mayo.
      Also, it will taste more like raita as yogurt is more tart…having said that it’ll still taste good.
      Happy Cooking!

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