In an event that you can only have one and only one Mexican dish, make sure it’s a dessert, especially if you can lay your hands on a Tres Leches Cake! There are just no words to describe this cake that just melts in the mouth. Mexican desserts are just the greatest whether you have a sweet tooth or not – churros, flan, Tres Leches to name a few.
We really want you to go ahead dig into this one without a worry in the world.
Detailed Recipe for Tres Leches Cake.
Thanks so much. Was so help ful. My husband loves this recipe. It’s the perfect way to make a delicious tres leches cake keep the excelencia!
I found this recipe after my husband had a piece of this cake at work and could not stop dreaming about it. The cake was unbelievable, and the video was extremely helpful. It turned out perfect the first time. Great Recipe — thanks! Now I have a new go-to place for good and different recipes!
Thanks for the feedback Joy!
wow its looks yummy… plz tell me some subsitute of eggs.