Zair – Lime Mocktail/Cocktail

I encountered this cocktail drink in an obscure Doon (Dehradun) Club in northern India in my teenage years, mock-tail because I wasn’t allowed to drink alcohol. The taste, and especially the name (sounds like Zeher, or poison), stayed in my memory. I finally recreated that excellent drink based on what I remember it tasted like. It tastes fantastic with or without alcohol and is the perfect choice to serve with an Indian meal.

"Zair – Lime Mocktail/Cocktail"

Daal with Spinach How-to video

Daal with Spinach is one of those dishes that you can truly call ‘wholesome’…it is packed with protein, iron and fiber. Everybody has a different name for this colorful dish – so call it whatever appeals to you ‘Daal with Spinach’, ‘Daal-Palak’, ‘Spinach Daal’, ‘Daal-Saag’ but we can all agree that this is one awesome dish! It will be a hot favorite at a family dinner, pot-luck or any party.

"Daal with Spinach How-to video"

Chai (Tea)

There are different ways to make chai (or tea) ranging from plain (milk, water, sugar and tea leaves) to masala (the plain with a kick!) and anywhere in between. You can buy tea masala in packets from any Indian store.

"Chai (Tea)"