Summer’s almost here and its the perfect time to let the kiddos help out in the kitchen. Let them try their hand at this easy recipe for fruit smoothie…the perfect nutritious and delicious after-school snack.
Blueberries – 1/2 cup
Raspberries – 1/2 cup
Milk – 1 cup
Vanilla Ice Cream – 1 big scoop
Sugar – to taste
(other fruit options: banana, strawberries, peaches, etc)
Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
Thank you for sharing Fruit Smoothie Recepie
hey ,
do we need to boil the milk or any pasteurized milk without boiling is fine .
Hi Priya,
If you milk is already pasteurized, you do not need to boil it, provided that it has been kept in a sterile environment. If it has not, you can boil it and cool it down for this smoothie.
Hi Hetal and Anuja
If you don’t have that “Magic Bullet” what can you use? i thought if you use a blender, it might mix it too much but what would be okay to use? a normal blender?
thank you
ps: the kids are so cute!
Hi Sakina,
You can use a regular blender. When we have small servings, we like to use the Magic Bullet, but it basically works the same as a big blender.
hi h & a
hetal auntie,me and my mom love watching your show and cooking.your boy is so funny & cute,maybe i can meet him one day.and where have you been only anuja was replying,probably doing something.well u can give me a call or ill call i just wanted to say again i loved the boys great job!!!
love: D
Hi Devashree,
How are you? Thank you for your comment. I’m so glad you and your mom enjoy watching SMTC. Please say hello to her for me. Maybe we will see each other some time. Take care.
Hetal Auntie
I made my little niece n nephew watch the video…n they were like let’s go and try this…..(FIRST TYM IN LYF)
Hi Rush Hour,
Awesome! Its great to get the kids involved, right?
Hi Hetal & Anuja,
I saw your site today & i have fallen in love with it at the first go.sweet kids preparing their drink.God bless both of them.
I have just got married & your site will help me in cooking new dishes.Thanks a ton for the help.
Though thank you is too small a word for what you both have been doing.
Hi Tanushree,
Thanks for your kind words and welcome to SMTC!
These boys are sooooo cute!!
I think bringing the children once in awhile on this site is a fantastic idea .A.. other children take great interest in cooking & eating well, children like to copy each other, this is a very healthy way to get children involved. All the children are just about in the right age group. Honestly you both are doing some good stuff out there.
Super cute and adorable
So cute! cute n adorable kids…!! Keep it up ladies..good work!!
Oh they’re adorable!
Cheers, kiddos!
Hetal and Anuja,
It is such a great idea to start kid-friendly recipes broadcast! My 16-months old son would only eat curries besides his Gerber purees. Any help on Indian inspired toddler friendly foods will be SO appreciated!
Love your work!
Hi Svetlana,
We have a couple of toddler friendly recipes. Please see Mung Daal Khichdi and Daliya Khichdi:
Kids facing camera with such ease. They did so well, may be this could become a regular feature too-recipes by kids, for kids.
Great going, Akhil and Ayan.
awwww so cute
Simply loved this one:) i m still smiling

How cute. Boys will always be boys. I just love them!
O my God they are really really adorable…………..
All the best Guys……………..
Adorable! Two budding chefs!
Isnt it wobderful to see ur babies growing? doesnt matter if its ur boys or the work u do( ur website). Let me tell u both, u both are more than chefs, u r THE inspiration, what i see atleast. All the best to u both and ur family May ur friendship stay like this forever.
Thank you
Nice recipe and the boys were so cute. This is a very simple recipe too and just in time for summer
Just asking out of curiosity
So you both have 1 kid each?
Cute presentation..I really enjoyed it..My 2year was laughing while watching the video..nice one and our “Hi” to ur lil one’s..
They are sooooo super cute. Akhil is so full of laughter- I laughed when he was held the blade of the blender upside down. Ayan too is so cute. They both spoke so confidently. I’m going to show this video to my 7 year old daughter who doesn’t drink a sip of milk – hope she gets inspired and drinks this smoothie.
So adorable n smart little budding chefs…proud moms hetal n confidently they face the camera..loved watching them,,,want to see more of them with u both too…god bless…hugs…dreaming when my toddler wil grow up big and make a super smoothie for himself n mommy…cute kids n super yummy fruity drink…..
HI Sanyukta,

Don’t dream ‘coz if you close your eyes, they’ll grow up. Cliche as it may sound – but they do grown up very fast
Enjoy every moment and every stage
Thanks for the comment and Happy Birthday to your blog
Great Video. I love his 1/2 a cup style LOL!!!!!!!!!!! I watched it again and again.
Tooo chweet !! As always, appreciate the good work!
Anuja ji, since you mentioned facebook, i had to ask, are you guys shutting down this website? I got an email a couple weeks ago saying i have to follow smtc on fb now since we are closing smtc website?
Thanks a bunch for your response in advance
Hi Newbee,
The email that went out was to inform all those who were members to the SMTC Community that we are closing the Community part and just that.
Our site is not shutting down – not now and hopefully never will carry on as is
Thanks for the support.
“Split it into 2 cups if you have 2 people”.. lol..
Cute kids and they spoke well. Please let them know that we all enjoyed watching them prepare the smoothie and their innocent reactions
my kids loved the video…
u r following mom’s footsteps kids…
keep it up….
Good job Kids ….
Excellent video!
love the kids
Kids helping their moms…..making a snack by themselves
Keep it up……
And do post seitan recipes ,we know u have already recorded the episodes so AIR THEM OUT……………..
so true….they record 2-3 videos per day but air one video per week.
Hi A,
Wondering…if you would still complain if we released 3 videos on one day and then no videos for the next 1 month?
Also, forgot to mention – we usually release 2 a week!
Hi S,
All in due time!
Regarding the videos – we wish it were as easy as we make it look. There is a lot of thought that goes into when we release, needless to say a lot of time into editing / writing up recipes / responding to questions on our site, YouTube and Facebook, emails, work on our test kitchen and above all this take care of our families and homes. We wish it were as easy as to “AIR THEM OUT….”
hi h&a
i have been a regular fan of ur website. infact i have seen most of ur videos in the last one yr. u both have made me a good cook at home where i was struggling to get a good name .thanks to u both. i understand it is not that easy to publish these recipes . i understand and appreciate the hard work,research and endless hours of editing and post production that both of u have to do. yet people like me have become addicts if i should say of ur website that we keep checking almost everyday .good luck and continue ur good work
Thanks Roshini, for your support and understanding
Very Well answered Anuja. These comments were getting way too frequent. I totally realized that you ignored them first but it was about time. I think people just get antsy because they love your show so much. That said, manners should never take a back place. I bet no one complains to food Networks when they keep on airing the same episodes they aired 3 years ago!
I just meant that ur recipes r so good its hard to wait for new ones……no offence meant.The good u guys r doing to the community is always appreciated.
None take
Dear Sir/mam
I wish you would show some respect for the time and effort these ladies put in. If you have kids, you would possible know how difficult it is to balance priorities.
I think Hetal and anuja do the best they can and by no means they are accountable for our deadlines.
So cute & it’s obvious they take after their MOMS !!!
very creative… love the kids
Cute and adorable kids!!
Very Sweet …
awwww….. chhooooo cute…….
Your boys are so cute. Let me guess – Akhil is Hetal’s son and Ayan is Anuja’s.
Very cute boys…and perfect duo!!
Akhil is Anuja’s and Ayan is Hetal’s
so cute
how old are they now?
Hi Sakina,
Ayan is almost 9 and Akhil is almost 11.
excellent idea!!!!smart sweet kidos:)
So sweet… are they ur kids.. Hetal n Anuja??
yes, they are !!!
Oh, they are so cute!
Very adorable & cute
Keep up the good work ” budding chefs”.
How cute and adorable, they seem to be wonderful confident budding successors of! Love to see them in future vids!! Which one is Hetals, / Anuja’s?? Both are great like there mummies!!
very lovely…they both looks very enthu to make the smoothie..
so very cute and sweet…
Adorable! Do we see Stars (sorry “Chefs”) in the making here:):)? Akhil already seems to have his dialogue delivery thing down, but Ian (hope I got that correct) has attention to detail. Perfect duo right there! Loved it.
And I am the first one to respond! That’s a “first” for me, literally:)