On the road trip in Kerala, we stopped at a small cluster of shops and treated our stomachs to some hot banana chips and some yummy authentic chai-a! The awesome display of mastery at making the chips looked so easy and had me try my hand at it and all I can say is “Thank God there is no record of what happened next….”
Enjoy the hot Banana Chips with some chai-a
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You two are doing great work! i just came across your site while googling for moong dall receipe! found it great and have forwarded this site to my daugther too, hope she gets some inspiration from you both – Thanks again.
Hi Sayyed,
We’re so glad you like SMTC. Thank you for spreading the word!
Hey Hetal and Anuja,
What a great website you have. I follow your recipes and you make everything look so easy. Great going girls. I especially appreciate the video showing the Kerala Banana chips at the roadside vendors. Loved it. Keep going!
Thanks Suja!
Hello Hetal & Anuja,
As it appears in the video to add “roock salt” mixed in water. My question is that, what is roock salt and can we use common table salt instead.
Thanks in advance for taking time to read this query.
Thank you..
Hi Aashi,
Sorry, that was a typo. It should have read “Rock Salt”. Rock salt is salt that is mined versus salt made from sea water. You should be able to use regular table salt.
Check the spellings of glimpse’s as well it’s written glimpes :)))
hi hetal,
You can use normal salt instead of rock salt and try this chips with any banana, but one important point is that the banana should be hard(dont use the fruit).
Hello Aashi,
When I was MUCH younger we used “rock salt” poured over the ice in making home-made ice cream. I think mom found it in the same aisle of the grocery store as the table salt. It is labled “rock salt”.
What kinds of plaintain can be used for making the chips? I live in the US. So please suggest which kind and where I can buy them. Thanks.
Hi R,
In most stores that we’ve seen, there is only one variety of plantain available (so we really don’t have a choice). They are found in Indian grocery stores, Asian markets and even American grocery stores. I saw some in Kroger just yesterday.
Hi !
It looks like there is turmeric already added to the coconut oil which is giving the yellow colour to the banana chips. Can actually hear the crisp.. Yum Yumm….mmmmm…
OK, you just can’t say “Thank God there is no record of what happened next” –
What did happen? Tell, tell..
Aboslutely love love love this video.Thank u ever so much Hetal & Anuja
Wonderful video.. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for providing good recipe. We use this product during “FAST DAYS”. We spray little quantity of Black Pepper Powder upon fried banana chips. You also try.
Thanking you again both of the ladies.
Nandlal Vithalani
Hello ladies,
I have become enchanted with Indian food and for some reason ended up buying green cardamom pods. I find I have no idea what to do with them or how to get rid of the green fiberous “pod”. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thanx, Rich
add them to your tea.tastes yumm
you can take the seeds out of the pods, crush them and add them to baked goods, rice pudding, when you boil tea add it in and strain them out–the flavor is delicious…
Cardamom is my favorite spice. You can add three or four whole to lots of Indian gravies or cook them whole into rice with a stick of cinnamon and a little saffron mixed into a bit of milk. When you serve you can either fish out the whole pieces or eat around them as the Indians do. I also make a cardamom milk by crushing a few pods and adding to hot milk. Simmer five minutes then add sugar to taste (I like brown or jaggery) and strain into a cup. Yum yum.
Hi Richard,
If you have a mortar and pestle, you can lightly pound the pods to crack them open. At this point, you can peel off the fibrous shell and remove the small black seeds. These seeds can be further powdered to use in any recipe. The whole pods can also be used. Just add 1 or 2 while making rice or to hot oil that will be used for seasoning rice, meat or vegetables. These whole ones should be taken out while serving and not eaten. Hope that helps!
You can also just eat one a day by itself. Its like chewing gum for keeping mouth smelling fresh.
Hetal and all who have responded to my inquirey,
I thank all of you and will try each out each one of them. As a matter of fact I am chewing on a pod as I write this thank you. The strong taste is AWSOME. I live not too far from an Indian community in Los Angeles County and will stop by one of my favorite stores for a mortar and pestle.
In frienship, Rich
Hello hetal and Anuja,I like the video after seeing this,I remember do u all have any idea for making red banana chips (spices 1)…
Hi ,
Banana chips is my fav. After watching the video I’m craving for those yummy looking chips… :))
Thanks for posting the video…
This video made me want to book a ticket to India.
I love your cooking videos and so does my 2 year old daughter. She calls you both “curry.com aunties.”
I agree with the ladies above. When I clicked on the India video I could only hear audio for the Lysol ad. Maybe a bit more organizing of the website will do?
Wow, that was fascinating to watch! Never seen anything like that. Water to hot oil and the chips still crisp?? Amazes me! Thanks for sharing…
I love, love, love this video! Thanks so much for sharing the cultural experience in India. This video makes me want to travel there to see the local life first hand. Please keep posting videos like this!
I am your huge fan.
A friendly suggestion. Dear Hetal and Anuja you are doing a great jobs but this website is becoming like TV. It has too many advertisements popping all over which isnt very appealing. I know that advertisements are important but when they start taking over the website it becomes difficult to follow through. This is a friendly suggestion.
Take care
True. I agree with Shazia.. Too many ads. I understand you need some but if you can do something about them, it will be good.
But that said.. you guys are amazing..
Unfortunately I would have to agree with the ladies above. Your home page is getting ridiculous. The first things that pop up are advertisements, especially the new big one right above all your recent videos.
We don’t want to lose you and I’m sure you don’t want to lose us either. I get that these advertisements pay for your expenses and set aside a chunk of change for you but just be mindful of it.
Great video. Keep ’em coming and of course your recipes as well.
Sory to say this but i agree with these three ladies…the site is getting too annoying..maybe you could make a blog where there are less popups or something…please look into it ..thanks
I disagree with you all. Its a free website and if they want to make money, ads are the only way. So I understand.
the adds are getting annoying
Amazing ! Does anyone know the difference between yellow banana chips and the white ones with pepper? I love the white ones with pepper and have been trying to find the recipe for it since a while now.
hi newbee,
yellow banana chips are made from a type of banana called nendhram and white ones with ordinary bananas which r fried in same method and sprinkled with pepper n salt immediately.
yellow banana chips are made from plaintains found in the regular stores… White chips can be made from raw banana ( fruit banana in raw form)
Both are two different typse of bananas used. No turmeric is used in either..
that looks delicious