Masala Khichadi How-to Video (Indian Spiced Rice Recipe)

Khichadi is an all-time favorite comfort food in our family. Anytime we come home from a long trip away or after an exhausting day, khichadi and kadhi or chaas (spicy buttermilk) is a satisfying and welcome meal. Previously, we’ve shown you how to make Mung Daal Khichadi – a mild and nutritious meal for babies or great comfort food when you’re feeling under the weather. Here’s a recipe for Masala Khichadi…with a real kick! It’s…

"Masala Khichadi How-to Video (Indian Spiced Rice Recipe)"

Tindora How-to Video (Indian Vegetable Recipe Video)

Tindora is a green vegetable which is popular in many parts of India and is known by many names (ivy gourd, kovakai, tondli, giloda…just to name a few). It resembles a watermelon but is only the size of your little pinky. Tindora can be cooked as a subzi all by itself or mixed with other vegetables like potato. Tindora are also used in many sambar recipes. When you’re running out of vegetables to cook, don’t…

"Tindora How-to Video (Indian Vegetable Recipe Video)"