Seekh Kebab How-to Video

Seekh Kebab are flavorful little appetizers made from lamb (chicken or beef can also be used) that are traditionally prepared in a Tandoor (clay oven). Since most of us don’t have tandoors, try this easy recipe to make them at home. The use of fresh roasted and ground spices takes the flavor up a notch!

"Seekh Kebab How-to Video"

Kothu Parotta How-to Video

Kothu Parotta just means it’s ‘minced’ or ‘beaten-up’ Parotta…and there are a lot of variations to this wonderful dish that you can just whip up and impress everyone. The first time I had this dish was at a small little road-side shop in Trivandrum (aka Thiruvananthapuram), though origianally from Tamil Nadu! Enjoy this wonderful dish from my past:) Perfect for breakfast, brunch or just a snack.

"Kothu Parotta How-to Video"